If you desperately want to live a healthy, happy life without guilt, body shame, or deprivation let Jenn help you take care of YOU so you can take care of what matters!

Tell Me if You Relate:

You feel like the best years of your life are behind you, and you should just accept the aches and pains in your body as part of aging.

You have lost your confidence and you don’t like how you feel in your own skin (maybe you never have).

You’re on the verge of biting your loved one’s head off, but you desperately want to be the loving, patient, happy person of your dreams.

Just when you think you’ve figured out this balanced lifestyle stuff, someone or something shifts and you’re off track yet again.

I Have Good News!

You can get your groove back (or find a new one)!

You can prove that age ain't nothin but a numb-ah!

You can be happier, more patient, and have the loving, joyous life you long for.

You can figure out how to be healthy AND be happy without fads, diets, gimmicks, or guilt.

Life is better when you’re smiling!

Personalized, 1-on-1 coaching available to help you smile more, feel great, and live well.

Space is limited and consults are required before either of us can agree to work together.

Book a consult call and let’s see if we’re a good fit (get it? fit? See what I did there?!?)

Hey! I’m Jenn V.


If we’ve never met, let me take a few moments to fill you in on the important stuff.

First, I’m passionate about helping people feel good about themselves. I do this currently through wellness coaching, but I’ve been doing this my entire adult life - first as a hairstylist (for 17 years) and then as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor. Seeing people hold their head higher, smile wider, and like the way they look and feel about themselves is my life’s work.

Second, I’ve been a mom since I was 18 and as the oldest in my family, I’ve been mothering my siblings and cousins since well before my first was born (I have 2 kids). Nurturing is in my DNA. I can’t help it. If you need a hug, or some tough love, I’m here for it all!

Third, I’ve struggled with weight, body image, self esteem, disordered eating, depression, anxiety, food allergies, and a variety of other health symptoms since my teen years. Figuring out healthy living, nutrition, maximizing my energy, feeling good in my own skin, and avoiding burnout with a holistic approach has been a challenging, long term struggle. Now that I have a grip on my own issues (most of the time), I want to help others do the same.

Finally, the fun stuff:

  • I’ve been married to the love of my life for 28 years and counting. We have two great young adult children still living at home.

  • I’m an animal lover. My rescue mutt Lexi is the sweetest, cutest dog on the planet! And my two rescue kittens are simply the best!

  • I’m a multi-generation New Englander and have lived in Massachusetts my entire life in spite of hating cold weather (winter sucks but our sports teams almost make up for it).

  • I failed gym class in 10th grade and have never played a team sport.

  • I love all things purple, penguins, animal prints, mangos, the beach, high rise leggings, psychology, puns, the 80’s, and music, especially Luther Vandross.

Book a Consult appointment to get started.

Whether you need personalized training or coaching to help with your workouts, nutrition, setting goals, creating a plan, or accountability to stick with it, Jenn can help you get on track and stay on track.

Set up a consult call before purchasing/scheduling your first session. This way we will both know if we are a good fit for each other before jumping in to a professional relationship.

View other services and details here.


You’ve had Enough and You’re Ready for More!


The Struggle is Real

You’re struggling with motivation and staying consistent. You’re tired of working out and dieting like crazy, and you’re still not happy with how you look or (more importantly) how you feel. You’ve given up (again) because it seems pointless.

 You’re so sick of being frustrated with yourself. You hate the way your clothes fit; you’re moody and impatient; you keep looking for a magic solution like a detox or supplement; you never want to count another calorie, step, macro, or anything else! 

The bottom line is you’ve been trying this whole fit, healthy lifestyle thing for a while and it’s not working. You just don’t think you have what it takes.

It’s Costing You

It’s costing you the joy, peace, and energy you deserve. It’s costing you new experiences you avoid due to lack of confidence.

It’s costing you time, money, and precious energy. You think you’re a lazy failure. There goes another health kick down the drain.

It’s costing you peace of mind. You are desperate to get away from all the negative self talk. Your inner thoughts aren’t pretty. 

 It’s costing you anxiety and sleep. You’re waking in the middle of the night worried that you’ll never be happy with yourself. You worry that it’ll only get worse. You worry that your partner won’t be attracted to you. And you’re hungry damn it!

It’s Affecting More than your Body

You feel like crap inside and out. You’re hiding behind your clothes (or at least trying to). Your energy is drained from thinking about every bite and every workout - it’s all consuming. 

Your self worth tells you that you’re just a fat kid who will never figure this stuff out., and you’re kidding yourself to think you can get in shape.

You’re not as patient, kind, creative, confident, loving, productive, or daring as you want to be.

You know your relationships could be better; you know your work could be better; you know your mental health could be better; you know YOU could be better.

You’re missing out on life and it sucks.


You Can Have MORE

You can be happy, healthy, and well physically, mentally, and emotionally. In fact, you can’t truly have one without the others.

It is possible to be comfortable in your body. It’s is possible to manage your stress, have more energy, wear anything you want, try new activities, and find this balanced healthy lifestyle people talk about.

You can be happy in your own skin and truly love yourself and your healthy life! You can be the person you want to be in a body you love.

You are Important

You deserve to truly love yourself and take pride in your health. You deserve to live without limits. You deserve the healthy, strong body of your dreams, and the fit, motivated mind of an athlete.

You deserve to grow old with grace, vitality, and independence.  You deserve to feel like a rockstar making the most of your days with the confidence to take on anything! 

You deserve to live your life on your terms! Make your own rules and play your own game! 

Don’t Waste Another Day

It’s time for you to hold your head taller, your chin higher and pull your shoulders back. It’s time to live with intention and a little sass. It’s time to embrace your body (curves, flaws and all). It’d time to take care of yourself in ways that feel great and give you a mood boost.

You can work hard, play hard, and love hard. You can love yourself in ways you never thought possible. You can be well body, mind, and soul. You can live a life of joy - without diets, shame, or obsessing over numbers.


Find your Fitness in spite of Fatigue.

When life feels like it’s slipping by and you’re frustrated with the aches and pains of aging, making your physical health a priority is not optional. Learn to be consistent in the small things that really matter.

We’re not just talking about typical diet, exercise, and self care stuff. Jenn’s specialty is blending psychology, fitness, and real life experience with body image issues, disordered eating, food allergies, injuries, and burnout in a way that is unique for each client. She’s helped hundreds of people (mostly women) feel better about themselves. Are you next?